When I figured out what happened to me, I thought I was alone. I didn’t know that there were others who’d been through parental alienation, too.

I spent the next year feeling profoundly isolated, misunderstood by even those closest to me, alone with my thoughts, and haunted by my experiences.

At some point, I began to think I want to find someone else to talk to. Another person who’s been through this…

Six months ago, I began posting videos.

It didn’t take long before Julia found me. Then, I met Jocelyn, Jaclyn, and Bri. More people kept joining our group a little at a time.

As the weeks pass, I’ve noticed my healing process accelerate as I deepen friendships and work on advocacy projects with other former alienated children.

We aren’t alone anymore. We are survivors, and we’re going to make a mark on this world together. I’m so happy you’re here.

Try this exercise that helped Madi when she was trying to find out the truth:

Some of our support group members: